our partners

Solar Whisper Wildlife Cruises operate our river wildlife and crocodile tours. They are 100% electric Electric boats that allow you to glide down the river with no impact on the environment – see, hear and smell nature with no exhaust or petrol fumes. Seating is along the edges so everyone has a window seat with a good view.

The AQC are a not for profit organisation, now in their sixth year of operation. Several Species Recovery Units are now established in Victoria and North Queensland. AQC emphasises the need for the recovery of these species in those areas, with unique, innovative and non-invasive monitoring methods that transcend current Animal Ethics, scientific methodologies and requirements.


A membership based organisation. Australian Wildlife Journeys addresses these needs by grouping together likeminded, independently owned and operated small businesses, passionate about raising the profile of authentic Australian wildlife encounters within natural habitats, combined with world-class hospitality

proud supporters of

Far North Queensland Wildlife Rescue Association (FNQWR) is an independent, not for profit, incorporated volunteer organisation operating under permit from the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. Our guides are active and passionate volunteers for FNQ Wildlife Rescue. While in our down time we are ‘on call’ to perform rescues of injured or orphaned wildlife. A great opporunty for us to give back to our native fauna

Bush Heritage Australia is an independent not-for-profit that buys and manages land and also partners with Aboriginal people to conserve our magnificent landscapes and irreplaceable native species forever.

We make a monthly donation to support positive projects and impacts throughout vast wilderness areas of Australia.


An Australian based charity launched in 2018, Forever Wild has a bold vision spanning centuries yet to come, for nature and human society. We envision a world in which there will always be vast and wild places, rich in biological diversity and human culture. Forever Wild is truly unique and is building innovative partnerships worldwide to create vast Shared Earth Reserves that are ecologically, politically and socially sustainable.

We began a partnership with Forever Wild in 2019 and in doing so, gained exclusive access to a private shared earth reserve 90 minutes from Cairns.


Bloodwood in the Tropics

Bloodwood in the Tropics

Bush Medicine Have you ever had a small cut that didn’t heal as well as you remember it should?? “Why is this taking so long!” “Last time I had a cut, it was gone in a couple of days?” Often in the tropics we experience great diversity in healing length depending on...

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People often mistake them for burls, bee hives or ants nest but in fact they are far more interesting. Of the many species of Termite in Australia, this variety choose to live primarily off grass. It would certainly be no benefit living in a tree while eating it too!...

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